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 18 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Benedetto Montagna"Advanced Search
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Man Seated by a Palm Tree, c. 1510/1515. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Saint George, c. 1506. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Birth of Adonis, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Nativity, c. 1507. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Rape of Europa, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Satyr Family, c. 1512/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Shepherd with a Platerspiel, c. 1500/1515. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Woman and Satyr with Two Cupids, c. 1506/1512. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Virgin and Child, c. 1502. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Agony in the Garden, c. 1506/1507. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Apollo and Marsyas, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Satyr Family, c. 1512/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Virgin and Child, c. 1502. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Saint George, 1506. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Virgin and Child, c.1502. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
A Young Man with an Arrow, c.1510. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Virgin and Child in Glory Worshipped by Two Monk Saints, n.d. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Saint Jerome seated beneath a rocky arch, ca. 1505-20. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.